Men's Ministries

We know that Jesus called his disciples - ordinary men - and equipped them for an extraordinary talk by living with them in community. As they lived together in their small community in close relationship, they became like brothers.

Jesus isn't put off by our immaturity - he expects it. Simply gather around the person of Christ, with like - minded men, and watch him change the way you think, and what you do.

Led by Deacon Keith Adams, the group will meet on Saturday mornings from 6:30—7:30 a.m. in the Divine Mercy Chapel. If interested, or you would like more information, contact Keith after Masses or the parish office.


Knights of Columbus Council #11874

The Knights of Columbus is a service organization that supports our local Catholic community. They perform manual labor when needed, offer St. Andrew School and Newman High School scholarships, donate needed funds to Self Help and Gianna's House Pregnancy Resource Center, sponsor a February Father/Daughter Dance, etc.

This council is currently inactive.

Click here for more information on the Knights of Columbus.

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