Women's Ministries




All women of the parish are members and all are welcome! The ladies pray, contribute food and drink for parish funerals, church cleaning, sponsor parish events such as monthly coffee & donuts after Masses, special event dinners, special events for school children, Mother/Daughter dinners, in addition to sponsoring social events. Meetings are held on Monday evenings.

IN ATTENDANCE:  President Jenni DeMay, Vice-President Pam Drane, Secretary Gwen Doane, Treasurer Phyllic Berge, Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt, Kay Krutsinger, Pamela Medema, Silvana McDonald

President Jenni DeMay called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m.

Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt led the Opening Prayer and led the Holy Rosary.


Secretary Gwen Doane read the minutes of the January meeting. Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt made a motion to approve the minutes with and Kay Krutsinger made the 2nd motion. President Jenni DeMay brought the motions to a vote, and it was approved.

Treasurer Phyllis Berge gave the Financial Report.



11/30/2024 Beginning Balance    $4,752.59

Deposits                          $3,599.00

12/9/2024                        Cookie Sales $2,463; Raffle $161; Start Up; $450

12/9/2024                        Donation $10;

Dues $5.00

12/12/2024                      Barb Beien

Funeral Dinner $400

12/18/2024                      Cookie Donations $35

12/26/2024                     Cookie Sale $25;

                                          Pete Papoccia Funeral Dinner $50

           December 2024 Expenses                $611.73

12/4/2024                      Phyllis Berge $450 Start Up funds for Cookie Sales

12/9/2024                      Gloria Williams $11.73 - Foam Plates            

                                         Richard M. Russo $50 - Thank you for extra cookie sale time;

12/18/2024                    Fr. Richard Russo $50 - Altar & Rosary Membership                

12/24/2024                   $50 - from Altar & Rosary Officers


Ending Balance $7,739.86

12/31/2024 Beginning Balance $7,739.86

           Deposits                                      Interest               $1.47     

January 2025 Expenses $0.00


Ending Balance $7,741.33


Secretary Gwen Doane made a motion to approve the Financial Report and Kay Krutsinger made the 2nd motion. President Jenni DeMay brought the motion to a vote and it was approved.


A motion for reimbursement was made by Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt and the second motion by Vice President Pam Drane for President Jenni DeMay for hot chocolate for the Cookie Extravaganza; and by Kay Krutsinger and Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt for cushions for seating during Masses ($40.12; Hot chocolate, $41.52 Seat cushions). President Jenni DeMay brought the motion to a vote and it was approved.

Treasurer Phyllis Berge read thank you cards from Fr. Russo and Gianna’s House for our donations. She also reported that she made new envelope labels for volunteering with ministry duties for the next dues collection in April.

Vice President Pam Drane discussed that she needed to update the food preparer list for funeral dinners. She also made a motion to give St. Andrew Church a check for $500 to help with utilities. Treasurer Phyllis Berge made the 2nd motion; President Jenni DeMay brought the motion to a vote and it was approved.

Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt suggested posting a video of our meetings on the website and putting the meeting minutes on the website to get more women to come to the meetings.

We will put a thank you in the bulletin for St. Andrew Thrift Shop helping the church and school and congratulating them on their 9th Anniversary.

President Jenni DeMay reviewed upcoming school events and mentioned our February expense of donation $500 to the school auction.


President Jenni DeMay talked about the Spiritual Retreat coming up at St. Mary’s Sterling letting us know that we were invited and who to call to register. She also wants to have another Door Hanger Party in April. She will see if there will be any charges to the event.

We need to keep in touch with Fr. Russo as he decides how to celebrate St. Andrew’s 75th Anniversary.

Secretary Gwen Doane made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Vice-President Pam Drane made the 2nd motion. President Jenni DeMay brought the motion to a vote and it was approved.

Spiritual Leader Marianne Hardt led the Closing Prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

The next meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on February 10, 2025 in the school cafeteria.             

Submitted by Secretary Gwen Doane.

Adult Bible Study

An adult bible study meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Call Loreta Anning 815-535-7676 for more information.

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